December 5, 2012

Transamerica Health Pak

With annual increasing medical cost for employers group plans, the following options employer take to lower their cost:

1. Raise deductible at renewal

2. Eliminate some benefits in their medical plans

3. Lay-off employees

We have a solution to help lower medical cost w/o losing any benefit in your medical plan & eliminate huge out-of-pocket exposure on the employer & employee in the event of a claim. Transamerica Health Pak supplemental plan has the following coverages built in one:

1. Medical Bridge (Whatever your medical plan deductible is, Transamerica Health Pak will match it so there is no out-of-pocket cost.)

2. Critical Illness (In the event someone is diagnosed with cancer, heart attack or stroke, Transamerica Health Pak will pay lump sum benefit on top of the medical bridge coverage)

3. Accident Coverage (In the event someone is injured, Transamerica Health Pak will pay benefit based on the injury & treatment)

Please call us at 503-659-1307 ext. 102 to learn how we can implement Transamerica Health Pak plan with your current medical plan and save you money without losing the coverages currently you have.

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